You know that moment where you witness something incredible, something that they say can happen but rarely does. If you go to Canada you may see Aurora Borealis, by the way been there haven’t seen it, maybe if I can get to Alaska. Or perhaps you were told if you are on the ocean in Key West at sunset you will see the Green Flash, been there done that, was not fortunate to witness that one either. If you go whale watching you WILL get to see whales. That I have done and not only did I see whales, I got to see something remarkable a family of Killer Whales. The mom and the baby actually swam right below the boat and took a breath right in front of us. I love killer whales they have been my favorite animal along with dolphins since I was a little girl.
I am pretty sure I almost knocked Danny into the water with my excitement. Of course all I could get out was “You got that right! Did you see!” Poor Danny had camera duties and had to witness it through the lens of the camera, but for an every day camera and not knowing what they were going to do, he got a remarkable shot. It was the only time they surfaced above the water with their faces and my amazing husband was able to capture it! (Although he wasn’t able to click fast enough to get the mom and the baby… but still it has to be one of my favorite pictures from traveling). He was able to get a picture of the mom and baby swimming next to one another, if you look closely you can see both the mother and the baby’s dorsal fin.
The company we used was Princess Monterey Whale Watching, if you have been to the wharf in Monterey you will be able to find them easily, they are a small yellow shop at the end of the wharf. I have used them four times and every single time I was able to see whales and dolphins. I have went in August, October, April, and June each time I was able to see humpback whales (they are summer whales).
The amazing thing about the humpback whale is that they have these huge tales that you can see when they dive, they also breech which can leave you speechless when you witness it.I have also seen four different types of dolphins. Seeing the dolphins is incredible because their pods are huge and the crew makes sure the boat is in the middle of the pod so you are able to see them from all sides.
The crew is great and will talk to you and answer questions. It is a great activity for any age. The tours are two and a half hours and forty-five dollars a person. Get an early tour if you can, it increases your chances for seeing whales, and don’t forget your jacket! You will also be able to see sea lions (look under the wharf, you will find them relaxing) and maybe even a seal or sea turtle, however if you are familiar with Monterey you know that the sea lions hangout on the other wharf all day long and you can walk down and get a closer to them.